The Average Face of Women Across the World

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Click image to Embiggen.

Anthropologists, using some amazing technology and a ton of photographs have approximated the average face of women from different parts of the world. Incredible.

20 Responses to "The Average Face of Women Across the World"

Deso Says:

Now let's move onto men!

Neuro Says:

I'm a bit skeptical of how accurate this is but it's pretty cool nonetheless

r00b Says:

welsh and russian please xD

D4 Says:

I love how spot on some of these are, just from personal experience.

Psychedelica Emphatica Says:

wow this is really amazing. Cool post. Followed.


Johnny Drama Says:

Pretty skeptical of the accuracy of this, definitely not the average for some of those ethnicities

Themanwiththegoldeneyeball Says:

Interesting to say the least.

Bdgorsh Says:

Interesting how they tried to make the average face of women of different nationalities. Too bad Czech women aren't represented in the chart.


Why is Burmese a little girl. lmao

ScottD Says:

sounds good check out my twitter page

temptation Says:

wow. very interesting. but i think in the end every person is unique

dubmixt Says:

I <3 them all.

metalpark_73189 Says:

MMMM Puerto Ricans :)

Mr. Bloggity Says:

That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen!

SportsGuyBrandon Says:

Dude thats crazy.

Jack Says:

oh ya baby

Mike Yang Says:

This is to eugenics what fantasy baseball is to baseball :)


GaycoMalyfoy Says:


RagingPanda Says:

Wow thats crazy! Didn't know you could do that!

Disser2 Says:

imagine all the people...