iPad Jacket (aka sex repellant)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here's a fad we hope never catches on. It's a jacket with a front pocket for an iPad. We don't know who is responsible for this, but we sure hope the fashion police cracks down on them soon, before this catches on.

10 Responses to "iPad Jacket (aka sex repellant)"

Raw Says:

Wow I am so disappointed. When I read your post on the updates list, I was imagining a small jacket made for your iPad, like a little hoodie or something lol. This thing is just sad though.

Rad Thad Says:

I see this becoming the new fanny-pack in about 2 years

Metatron Says:

Think I'd get it just to be a douche. Mod it to hold fries and a soda instead.

syxiv Says:

That's hillllllllllllllllarious. I'll take two orders of sex repellent please.

following and supporting,

Copyboy Says:

The dork in me loves it!!! BTW...made you new blog of the day.

Les Says:

That's certainly a fashion innovation.

jonwinters Says:

if i saw someone with that i would smack down hopefully hard enough to break those cheap looking straps. fucking apple whores.

Gark Says:

Hahahaha.. I would die for one of those really hahaha. It is just like the shirt thats made for watching the computer when the sun hits the screen, hah!

Just the random guy on the web! Says:

Best jacket ever lol :D


r00b Says:

need to get myself one of those...

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